Conversion and Maintenance
Most data do not initially exist in electronic form; they start out as a work order, survey report, diagram, legal document, or a piece of paper. If the data are not digital, they must be put into electronic form. Digital data then must be integrated into the GIS. We have developed methods to enhance, update and maintain geo-databases, which allows us to retain extensive information attached to existing features and vectors. DCS provides services from Geo-enabling legacy databases, Enhancing existing geo-databases, Initial Mapping Services, Conversion between GIS Data Structures, and Consulting assignments for Enterprise GIS database design
Data Migration
DCS has assisted multiple clients in moving out of legacy mapping to better operate their growing networks. Source documentation and mapping can come in any format-from GIS to CAD, PDF, or paper. Our experts employ advanced tools and techniques to achieve maximum automation while preserving the appropriate level of manual intervention and expert quality assurance. DCS offers data migration both as a standalone service or as an integrated part of wider engagement and other services include Risk minimization through robust data validation, End-to-end visibility across tasks and schedules and Simplification in migration processes due to built-in methodology and templates
Cartography & Mapping
DCS has mapped and converted over a wide range of data structures. These mapping projects require specialized knowledge relating to surveying, land tenure systems, various types of deeds, and legal description interpretation. We are a leader in the conversion of hard copy maps to geodatabases. Prior to any conversion project. We use tools, such as smart mapping, text annotation, multi-attribute symbology, and flexible labeling and annotation options to have print ready digital outputs for creating the world’s more stunning maps. We Provide services like Creating map databases involving the creation of RAW GDB, Maplex and Structure GDB, Layout Design and Indexing and Custom Map products
Conflation & Realignment
Over time, DCS has developed a robust workflow process to conflate various datasets to a geo-referenced land base and enhance the data using Positional Accuracy Improvement (PAI) techniques. We use a data conflation solution that spatially aligns the existing geospatial data to a more spatially accurate landbase / street centerline / aerial imagery ensuring zero loss to data integrity and business downtime. With Expertise in the overall range of solutions in GIS, we can help minimize the discrepancies, thus improving the overall accuracy of the data sources.
Consolidation & Integration
With Expertise into multiple GIS Solutions, we have a good handhold in consolidating data available from multiple sources, formats, or locations into a single comprehensive GIS database without affecting the real, look and feel of the datasets. This service offering by DCS is heavily used when different parts of the same organization, or use and/or are responsible for maintaining different elements of the same master dataset, for large initiatives in public sector data sharing and for private data content providers. Within this expertise, DCS help you improve efficiency, reduction in operating costs, Easier to meet data protection laws and enables the use of better customer data to create closely targeted campaigns
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Our clients are our top priority, and we are committed to providing them with the highest level of service.